Christian Education Director (Part-time)
St. Mark's Lutheran Church, Clayton
Job Description – posted June 2011
To help the children and youth of St. Mark's, together with their families, grow in their relationship with God in Jesus Christ, to deepen their faith and to equip them for using the gifts God has given them to participate in the life and mission of the church.
Work with the Pastor, church leaders, and committees to establish and support the Christian Education ministry of St. Mark's. Serve as a model for the children and youth in their growing faith.
Specific Responsibilities include the following:
1. Visit with all families involved in learning ministries to build relationships and listen in order to improve children and youth programming and participation in it.
2. Research and oversee the selection and purchase of Sunday School curriculum, Vacation Bible School program, and the Children's Christmas program (for Pre-Kindergarten through the 12th grade).
3. Recruit new Sunday School teachers as needed with the assistance of the Learning Committee and the Pastor; prepare new teachers; meet with and assist all teachers to build relationships, listen and incorporate feedback to maintain and grow the Sunday School program.
4. Coordinate leadership for the Sunday School Openings.
5. Coordinate and lead VBS and the Christmas program.
6. Plan Confirmation with the Pastor and help teach it as appropriate.
7. Organize and lead the on-going Youth Program for 7th through 12th grades, including: coordinating events that include service, witness, and social activities; participating in Southside Cluster and Metro Coalition events; and enlisting the assistance of adult volunteers to attend and help lead these events as needed.
8. Plan, prepare, fundraise, and recruit adult chaperones for the ELCA National Youth Gathering in New Orleans, July 18-22, 2012.