July 23, 2011

ELCA Global Links - August 2011

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Disaster response: Your church at work around the world

  • Horn of Africa: Extensive drought has caused a food shortage and resources have become scarce as many have fled to refugee camps. See www.elca.org/disaster.
  • Sudan: Fighting has broken out around the city of Kandugli with reports of heavy civilian casualties causing many to flee. See www.elca.org/disaster.
  • ACT Alliance: Learn more about how the ELCA Disaster Response works around the world with partners in the ACT Alliance. See the 2010 Annual Report at http://blogs.elca.org/disasterresponse/

Thirteen new opportunities for missionary service
Recruiting has begun for positions around the world. See www.elca.org/globalserve and click "Global Service Opportunities" in the right sidebar, then type "2012" at the bottom for a keyword search.

Tanzania: A young person's view
Megan Stubbs reflects on life as a young person in Tanzania. Megan is the oldest daughter of Randy and Carol Stubbs, ELCA missionaries teaching music at Tanzania's Makumira University College. See http://blogs.elca.org/handinhand/.

South Africa: "I see you"
"Here we greet each other with the word sawubon. It means, 'I see you.' We want them to see the whole person." Brian and Kristen Konkol reflect on their team ministry with young adults in South Africa. Read more at www.elca.org/handinhand; click either the copy-ready bulletin insert or the Summer 2011 issue of the Hand in Hand newsletter.

Glocal Mission Gathering in San Antonio, Texas, September 23-24
Equip yourself for God's work in today's global and local realities. For more information and to register for an event, visit www.elca.org/glocal

Companion synod relationships: New developments
Online profiles have been updated by the Florida-Bahamas, Minneapolis Area, North/West Lower Michigan, Saint Paul Area, and Southeastern Synods of the ELCA, and the Manitoba/Northwestern Ontario Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada. Learn what's happening with their companion synod relationships at www.elca.org/companionsynodprofiles

In our prayers
Give thanks for the partnership between ELCA and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada. Together, they share a long history of cooperation moving forward together in global mission. (This prayer for August 2 is available along with daily prayers from around the globe at www.elca.org/prayerventures.)



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Rev. Linda Anderson-Little
St. Mark's Lutheran Church
6325 Clayton Road
St. Louis, MO  63117
314.721.6974 (w)
314.581.6365 (cell)

Led by the Spirit, Seeing God, Sharing with Others..