July 16, 2011

VBS - The Bible for Busy People!

Join the Adult Class at VBS for fun, fellowship and learning!  Middle and High School Youth, and Adults of all ages are welcome!

We will use a DVD course called The Bible for Busy People from Crossways International.  (We used this curriculum last fall, but were not able to get through the Biblical  timeline).  This course will take us through the timeline along with some additional sessions on Jesus, Relevence for Today and Big Questions.  Classes will include some discussion with lots of pictures and visual aids!

We begin this Sunday  - July 17- Thurs., July 21; 6-8:30 pm

Here's the schedule - 
6:00 supper
6:45 class
8:30 end

Our class will meet in the Adult Ed room and may begin a little later than the schedule so those who brought dinner can join us.

See you tomorrow night!
Blessings, Pr. Linda
Rev. Linda Anderson-Little
St. Mark's Lutheran Church
6325 Clayton Road
St. Louis, MO  63117
314.721.6974 (w)
314.581.6365 (cell)