September 13, 2011

Sunday, 9/11 announcements

Here's the update on St. Mark's News and Upcoming Events from last Sunday's bulletin.

This Week at St. Mark's

September 11– September 18, 2011


Today    Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost – Rally Day  

                     9:00 am    Intergenerational Sunday School for all ages

                   10:15 am    Worship 

Tue               6:00 pm     Communications Cmt.

                     7:00 pm    Council                                                                                                          

Wed              6:15 pm    Bell Choir

                     6:30 pm    Confirmation at Gethsemane

                     7:15 pm    Chancel Choir                                                                                    

Thur         10:00 am     Mary/Esther Circle

Sun         Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost  

                     9:00 am    Sunday School & Adult Bible Study

                     9:00 am    2012 Youth Gathering Meeting

                   10:15 am    Worship – guest speaker and musician,

                                       John MacEnulty


Worship Participants

September 18, 2011   

Acolyte                                                                       Hanna Albers

Greeters                                             Steve & Mary Jo Lochmoeller

 Ushers            Grant Albers, John & Laura Bleeke, Rick Rapplean  

Assistant to Pastor                                                        Darin Sorrell

Reader                                                                            Ron Yegge

Altar Guild                                                               Lisa Albers-Set

                                                                            Mark Endres-Clear

Communion Deacon                                                         Lou Prifti

Fellowship                                                        Eschbacher/Brannan

Counters                                             Ruth Sorrell, Mary Dallmann

Altar Flower Ministry                                                    Sarah Circle

Visitor Follow-Up Team                                Mark & Emily Endres


Help Our Own – Thank You

As a member of the congregation who has been struggling with finances during this hard economic time, I have been helped by the Pastor's Discretionary Fund. Electric and gas bills have been staggering, but the "Help Our Own" fund has help to pay a portion of these. I want to thank everyone who has contributed to this cause. It has been a "God send" for me. In the future I hope to be able to contribute to someone else.                                                                                                               Anonymous

Choir Rehearsals

Our choirs are back rehearsing and providing a musical message on Sunday mornings, but we need YOU to complete the picture. Any basses out there? - we especially need you! Bell Choir is at 6:15 pm and Chancel Choir, which is open to ALL, is at 7:15 – 9:00 pm. While we welcome all returning choir members, we will especially cheer for new members! A solo voice is not required, just a love of singing. Come join us!


Adult Bible Class

Get ready for a transformative year!

Sept. 18: Interfaith Understanding with guest speaker, John MacEnulty.  John is a Native American flautist who will share music and poetry of 13th century Muslim poet, Rumi during worship.

Sept. 25- Oct. 9: Ten Faith Trends.  We will explore a study published in The Lutheran magazine about worship, family and faith trends for which congregations want to watch, pray and plan.  All mission, Council and Committee leaders are asked to attend!  Please talk with Pr. Linda if you need child care, so it can be arranged ahead of time.


Service Committee Food Barrel Items  for  September:

Starches: Rice, pasta, canned potatoes, stuffing, macaroni and cheese, oatmeal and cereals.


Bicycle Needed

Sarah Hull is looking for a bicycle to use while she attends Washington University. If you have a bike that you are no longer using or know where she could obtain one, please let Sarah know 443-762-7675 or call Phyllis Atkins at 862-3265. 


Are you Tech Savvy?

Are you technically savvy? St. Mark's is in need of 1 or more people to keep us running in this highly technical world. Experience with wi-fi, hardware, software, web hosting and administrative background with GoogleDocs needed. Please contact Andy Ford or Carol in the church office if you are interested in helping.


Lutheran Senior Services

Join Us for the Meramec Bluffs Blood Drive

Meramec Bluffs, a Lutheran Senior Services community in Ballwin, will host a blood drive Wednesday, Sept. 21, from 12:30 – 4 p.m. to support the Mississippi Valley Regional Blood Center. Meramec Bluffs is located at 1 Meramec Bluffs Drive, just off Vance Rd. and Hwy 141. For more information, call 636.861.0600.


Lutheran College Fair in St. Louis Tonight!

Sunday, September 11, 2011LCMS International Center, 1333 South Kirkwood Road, Kirkwood, MO 63122; 6:45 p.m. Registration Begins; 7:00 p.m. Financial Aid Seminar; 7:30 – 9:00 p.m This college fair is designed to give you insight into the unique aspects of Lutheran higher education and a chance to meet representatives from our member colleges and universities. There is no charge for any of our events and no need to pre-register. In addition, students who attend our events will receive four application fee waivers for use at our Lutheran colleges and universities.  There will be 40 colleges represented including St. Olaf, Carthage, Valparaiso, Luther, Augustana, Gustavus Adophus, Wartburg and many others.  Hope to see you there!

Carol Johnson