December 01, 2011

This Weekend at St. Mark's!

Christmas Pageant Practice!
12/3 - Saturday, 9:30-11:30 am in the Sanctuary
Parents - please stay and help if you can - we need a few more hands on deck!

12/4 - Sunday Morning Adult Education at 9:00 am:
    • The Gospel of Mark led by the Rev. Dr. Al Horst, in the Adult Ed Room.  Great preparation for the Year of Mark in worship in 2012.
    • Adult Catechism led by Pr. Linda in the Fellowship Hall!  For those new and old to the faith!

Sunday Worship - 10:15 am  - 2nd Sunday of Advent - Peace
We reflect in silence, light the wreath, sing our prayers, praise with the choir and bells, 
and prepare for Christ's coming. 

Congregational Meeting to Approve Budget 
immediately following worship!

Potluck luncheon 
right after that! - Bring a dish to share in Christian community!

Can't wait to see you here!

Blessings in Christ,

Rev. Linda Anderson-Little
St. Mark's Lutheran Church
6325 Clayton Road
St. Louis, MO  63117
314.721.6974 (w)
314.581.6365 (cell)

What is God up to in your life?  What is your God-sighting today?
Creating Christian community, living God's love, serving our neighbors.