February 18, 2012

ELCA Global Links - March 2012

Wow!  Your support of St. Mark's in turn supports these wonderful ministries around the world!  Stay informed!  Be connected to God's mission!  Worship and serve, share and give!
Blessings, Pr. Linda

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MARCH 2012

Lutherans break ground for a new resettlement village in Haiti
A groundbreaking ceremony on Feb. 2 celebrated a new village which will provide housing for 1200 people displaced by an earthquake that struck Haiti in 2010. ELCA Disaster Response is providing $3.5 million for this Lutheran World Federation project. Read this story and more at www.elca.org/news (click on News Releases in the left-hand column).

Bishop Hanson sends letters of support to Syrian church leaders
In letters to Christian church leaders in Syria, the Rev. Mark S. Hanson, presiding bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA), offered his support of the churches' collective call for an end to violence and his prayers for the people in the region. See http://blogs.elca.org/peacenotwalls/.    

Plant a tree in the Luther Garden
The roots of the Reformation that began with Martin Luther's 95 theses in 1517 are being remembered and watered already in the Luther Garden in Wittenberg, Germany. Learn how your congregation can participate at www.elca.org/wittenberg (click the Luther Garden tab on the left navigation bar).

Lenten meals from around the world
Does your congregation host meals before Lenten services? Try out the Lenten Meal Series! You'll find complete plans for 12 different meals, including global recipes, table prayers, discussion starters and more. It's a great way to learn about the world and discover how our church is making a difference. www.elca.org/hunger/lent.  

Liberia: "The Mother Teresa of the ELCA"
Bette McCrandall, long-time ELCA missionary in Liberia, was recognized at the ELCA Summer Missionary Conference for her tireless and courageous service. Read the entire story at www.elca.org/handinhand; click either the copy-ready bulletin insert or the Winter 2011-12 issue of the Hand in Hand newsletter. 

Just arrived in Madagascar
Austin and Tanya Propst are the new ELCA Young Adults in Global Mission coordinators for Madagascar. They have just arrived in what will be their new home for the next four years. See http://blogs.elca.org/handinhand/.   

A vision of peace
Leymah Gbowee won the Nobel Peace Prize for her efforts in the "Women of Liberia Mass Action for Peace," which contributed to ending more than a decade-long civil war. She has also been awarded the ELCA International Leadership Development scholarship. Read more or download a copy-ready bulletin insert at www.elca.org/stories.  

The 2012 Annuals have arrived
The 2012 Missionary Sponsorship and Global Service Annual, with photos and information about ELCA missionaries around the world, is now available to use in a variety of ways. Try it as an education tool or as a prayer guide to lift up missionaries in your devotional life. Copies are available by calling 800-638-3522 or emailing info@elca.org. Larger orders may be placed through www.elca.org/resources.  

Teach in Central Europe
Teach in a bilingual junior/senior high school in Slovakia or Poland.  Primary need is for English teachers -- other subjects (religion, science, math, geography, etc.) also needed on a limited basis. For more information, visit www.elca.org/globalserve/search  and enter keyword "Central Europe."

Glocal Mission Gathering in Irving, Texas, April 27-29
Equip yourself for God's work in today's global and local realities. Find more information and registration at www.elca.org/glocal

Learn more about companion synod relationships
Online profiles have been updated by the ELCA New England and Southeast Michigan Synods. Learn of these and other new developments in companion synod relationships at www.elca.org/companionsynodprofiles.

In our prayers
Pray for Ally Streed who is at the midpoint of a three-year commitment as a missionary in Japan. (This prayer for February 28 is available along with daily prayers from around the globe at www.elca.org/prayerventures.)

Global Links shares highlights from ELCA.org, LivingLutheran.com and other churchwide websites of ELCA ministry and connections in other countries.


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Blessings in Christ, Pr. Linda

Rev. Linda Anderson-Little
St. Mark's Lutheran Church
6325 Clayton Road
St. Louis, MO  63117
314.721.6974 (w)
314.581.6365 (cell)

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