March 01, 2012

Metro St. Louis Coalition Disbanded

 Dear Friends of the ELCA - St. Louis Metro Coalition,

At the Annual Meeting of the Coalition, held on February 26, 2012, a resolution was passed unanimously by those assembled to disband the Coalition.

After much discussion and many hours of deliberation, the Board of the Coalition recommended and the Coalition membership agreed that the Coalition, as it exists, is no longer a necessary function in the St. Louis area. However, many of the functions of the Coalition will still continue. The Housing Committee which works with Thrivent and Habitat for Humanity and the Committee on Theological Education (aka Lutheran School of Theology) will continue to exist but will act independently. The new mission effort in St. Charles, The Bridge, has its own oversight Board and will continue to function independently as well. The Chinese Lutheran Mission was granted recognition as a full congregation several years ago. The grant which made it possible to do outreach ministry around Immanuel Lutheran Church has been successfully completed. Grant funded activities were so successful that a second grant was awarded which Unity Lutheran Church and the Immanuel Planning Team are jointly administrating.

The unofficial organization, Lutheran Leaders in Mission (LLiM), continues to meet and function, involving rostered and lay leaders on both sides of the Mississippi River. It is hoped that LLiM will be a way for contact among the congregations to continue in the area, as had been the purpose of the Coalition in the past.

The Board for the Coalition will continue to meet until such time as financial obligations are met and remaining Coalition funds can be distributed to recipients in the area, in keeping with the purpose of the Coalition. As soon as the financial issues are addressed, the Coalition will cease to exist.

Sincerely and Respectfully Yours,

Gene Boecker
Lay Chair, ELCA Metro St. Louis Coalition


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Blessings in Christ, Pr. Linda

Rev. Linda Anderson-Little
St. Mark's Lutheran Church
6325 Clayton Road
St. Louis, MO  63117
314.721.6974 (w)
314.581.6365 (cell)

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