April 16, 2012

Upcoming Events and Dates to Remember!

Vacation Bible School (VBS)
Thursday, June 21, 2012 6-8:30
Friday, June 22, 2012 6-8:30
Saturday, June 23, 2012 9-12
-Sociables Road Rally/Scavenger Hunt this Saturday! ALL ARE WELCOME! Please RSVP to Fred or Grace, 314-843-5053
-Collection of used/worn out clothes and shoes, THIS SUNDAY! Please bring your items to the back door and have them marked "REMAINS"
-Thank a nurse! If you took a blank notecard home yesterday, please remember to bring it back this Sunday. If you didn't take a notecard, think about how a nurse has helped you at some point and be ready to write down Sunday morning.
-Council is looking for at least 2 people to serve as delegates in Lindsborg, KS June 7-9, please talk with Wilma Prifti
-9:00AM Adult Education April 22 & 29 The exciting Gospel of Mark continues with Dr. Al Horst
-Have you noticed the new TV Screen? Do you have a message or pictures you would like others to see? Please send to larsonbeverly@hotmail.com

Beverly Velloff
Communication Chair
Led by the Spirit to share Christ's love!