Stewardship Kick-Off—Ice Cream Social 9/23!
Stewardship is having an Ice Cream (Ted Drewes) and Cupcake social following the Worship Service today. Join us on the front lawn as we kick-off the Stewardship drive in fine eating fashion. Our theme this year continues the VBS theme of Shine God's Light. See how we do acrobatics to tie in our theme with an excuse to eat Ted Drewes custard and Cupcakes! See you outside!
Thrivent News
St. Mark's Thrivent members are sponsoring the coffee hour on Sunday, September 30th. We will have Andrew Bolin, a Thrivent financial associate to provide information and answer any questions you may have. Please join us in Fellowship Hall immediately following worship.
See You Sunday Mornings at 9 am for Learning - All Ages!
Sunday School : Ages 3 – Grade 4, meet in the Sunday School room for the Opening!
Middle and High School Youth: Meet in the youth room at 9 am for Biblical Texts that Shock and Awe! Led by Ellen Pahoulis
Adults– Meet in the Fellowship Hall for a new book study, A New Kind of Christian; A Tale of Two Friends on a Spiritual Journey, a novel by Brian McLaren. Copies available downstairs for $10 – please pay Pr. Linda.
This book traces a man's spiritual journey from a conservative view of Christianity to one that is more flexible and open and is based on the author's own experience. Brian McLaren served as a pastor and is now an author, speaker, writer on Christian life and faith. We will incorporate Bible study into the book study!
Coming Up: Concert by St. Mark's Choirs
St. Mark's Chancel and Bell Choirs will present a concert titled Marvelous Messages from the Bible and Movies on Sunday, October 28 at 6:00 pm. Admission is free. A good will offering will be taken.
Please plan to come and bring your friends. See choir members for complimentary tickets to hand out. Wine and cheese event to follow the concert.
In order to save proceeds from the concert for the music program and a yet- to-be-determined charitable gift, we would appreciate donations of wine and/or cheese beginning anytime until the concerts. Hand to any choir member. Thanks!!
Calling Back Building Keys!
Thanks to those who have already returned their key! If you have a key to the church building and are no longer Committee Chair or no longer head of a ministry, please return your key to Steve Lochmoeller, Pr. Linda or the office. We cannot duplicate the church keys and are very low on spares.
Helping Our Own Fund Depleted
Thanks so much to those who have responded to our request for donations to the Help Our Own Fund! We have received $635.00 so far, and I so appreciate your generosity! Pr. Linda
Carol Johnson