Maybe we could have lunch soon and talk about this event since I am the contact person on the Board for this! What works for you? Tues, Wed. Thurs are the best days for me.
Let me know what you have open!
See you soon, love, Linda
6325 Clayton Road
St. Louis, MO 63117
314.721.6974 (w)
314.581.6365 (cell)
On Wed, Oct 31, 2012 at 10:29 PM, Pastor Linda <> wrote:
Dear Members and Friends of St. Mark's:I am on the Board of Lutheran Campus Ministry and would love to see a table from St. Mark's at this event! Who can organize a table? :)
Blessings, Pr. Linda--Blessings in Christ, Pr. LindaRev. Linda Anderson-LittleSt. Mark's Lutheran Church
6325 Clayton Road
St. Louis, MO 63117
314.721.6974 (w)
314.581.6365 (cell)
What is God up to in your life? What is your God-sighting today?Creating Christian community, living God's love, serving our neighbors.
Blessings in Christ, Pr. Linda
Rev. Linda Anderson-Little
St. Mark's Lutheran Church6325 Clayton Road
St. Louis, MO 63117
314.721.6974 (w)
314.581.6365 (cell)
What is God up to in your life? What is your God-sighting today?
Creating Christian community, living God's love, serving our neighbors.