November 08, 2012




Thank You Pastor Boardman!

We are excited to have Pastor Rebecca Boardman deliver the sermon for our special Thankoffering Service ton Sunday. Pastor Boardman received her Masters of Divinity in 2004 from The Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago.  Prior to becoming Campus Pastor at LCM, Rebecca was an associate pastor of Holy Cross Lutheran, Wheat Ridge, Colorado (a Denver suburb). We thank her for sharing with us!


 Warner's Warm-Up

 Donate Winter Coats Nov. 1-14 for 12th Annual Warners' Warm-up Coat Drive! First Things First and Kurt & Brenda are calling on support from greater St. Louis for the 12th annual Warners' Warm-up Coat Drive with the donation of new or gently used winter coats of all shapes and sizes for Bi-State residents in need. Please bring to church by November 14 and Phyllis Atkins will make sure they are delivered! Look for a box in the church entryway.


Healing Prayer Service Next Week – November 18

As we give thanks for God's blessings, we draw near and ask for healing. There will be time to come forward for laying on of hands and prayer at the railing.


November Sociables

Sociables next event in November is a 50's party at the Kugler's in Collinsville, IL. Start getting your 50's outfit together and plan to bring a 50's type dish to pass (we weren't eating whole grains and tofu!). We've already rolled up the rugs (we have a new puppy!) so dancing along with a trivia game and a few 50's songs will be in order. Plan to come – we'll have FUN! November 17th,  3rd Saturday at 6:00 pm. Let Carol know if you are coming, please!







Food Barrel Collections

Thank you for your on-going support of our food ministry.  Here are some suggestions for the next 3 months:

· November:  holiday items, boxed stuffing, cranberries, pumpkin, instant potatoes, canned gravy

· December:  baking supplies, flour, sugar, baking soda, baking powder, oatmeal, pie fillings.

· January:  personal care items; toothbrushes, toothpaste, shampoo, soap, floss, lotion, shave cream, disposable razors.  Service Committee


Southside Cluster Youth Group!

Join friends from nearby ELCA congregations for community and fun!

Middle School 

Sunday, November 11th (today!) from 6:00-7:30 pm.  Place is still to be determined.  

                                Rhonda Dunbar, Youth Coordinator


Missionary Sunday

Sunday November 25 is a dedicated to support missionaries Mike and Jo Ann Megahan in their work in Botswana (Africa). We have supported their missionary activities in Kenya and now in Botswana. Mike has been part of a team that is translating the Bible into the locate Botswana language. The New Testament has been completed and they are working on the Old Testament now. (see October Voice for the recent update)

            The Witness Committee and The Thrivent local Chapter are sponsoring the coffee hour after church on November 25. All Donations will go to the Megahan fund with matching funds from Thrivent. We hope that you will join us for the Coffee Hour and help the Megahan mission.

If you cannot come to the coffee hour, we encourage you to put your contribution in the offering plate or mail them to the office. Please mark your envelopes Megahan Fund.  We hope that we can meet a goal of $1200.00.

Carol Johnson