December 13, 2012




Christmas Eve Worship – Monday, December 24

5:00 pmFamily Service with Communion

10:00 pmCandlelight Service; Pre-service music begins at 9:45 pm


January Voice Articles

Voice articles for January Voice are due today, December 16.  Please get them to the church office. Thank you!    


Annual Meeting Reports

If you will be submitting a report for our Annual Meeting on Sunday, January 27, please be sure to have your report to the church office by Thursday, January 10. 


ELCA Good Gifts Catalog

Please pick up an ELCA Good Gifts Catalog on the table in the Narthex. ELCA Good Gifts are a creative way to give gifts, honor others, and do God's work in the world for the hungry and those who live in poverty. 


Food Barrel Collections

Thank you for your on-going support of our food ministry.  Here are some suggestions for the next 2 months:

· December:  baking supplies: flour, sugar, baking soda, baking powder, oatmeal, pie fillings.

· January:  personal care items: toothbrushes, toothpaste, shampoo, soap, floss, lotion, shave cream, disposable razors.  Service Committee

Adult Bible Class in December!

Sunday, December 23: A Clear View of the Birth of Jesus by Dr. Kenneth Bailey. Join us for a 30-minute DVD and discussion. Dr. Bailey  brings a Middle Eastern cultural view to our understanding of Jesus' birth.


Sunday, January 6The Prodigal Son.  This class will be taught by Allie Wertz (in town as an Americorps volunteer, recent grad of St. Olaf).  Allie wrote a paper on this parable, also be based on some of Dr. Bailey's teachings, and she will also include perspectives from other cultural viewpoints!  Thanks, Allie for jumping right in and sharing your gifts!


No Adult Education or Sunday school on December 30. Classes will resume on Sunday, January 6.


Who Is It?

Inviting all church women and their Secret Pals to their Annual Party where the secrets are revealed. You do not need to be a Secret Pal participant to attend.

  • Where: The home of Florence Riter, 6519 Delor Ave., 63109
  • When: Tuesday, December 18 at 6:30 pm.

Bring your favorite dish. Meat is provided. RSVP to Florence Riter, 314-351-8613.


Opportunities to Support Feed My People

  • Today, December 16, 6:30 pm American Chamber Chorale   presents Messiah & More at  Lutheran Church of the Resurrection, 9907 Sappington Rd
  • Thursday, December 27 at 3:00 pm – Trans-Siberian Orchestra at the Scott Trade Center


Looking Ahead to Lent

The worship committee is looking for lay preachers for our midweek services!  Talk with Mark Endres or Pr. Linda if you are interested.  We only need about 2 more people!  Thanks!


Lutheran School of Theology – Epiphany Term Courses

Lutheran School of Theology invites you to register for the following   courses: "The Imaginary Jesus: Will the Real Jesus Please Stand Up?" (The Rev. Dr. Ed Schroeder), "Living Faithfully in Trying Times: What God Does and Does Not Expect of Us" (The Rev. Dr. Warren Crews), and a one day workshop "Leading Theologically: Church Leadership For Our Time"   (The Rev. Dr. Daniel Anderson-Little, The Rev. Dr. Daniel Handschy and the Rev. Karen Scherer).  Brochures with registration forms are on the LST poster in the narthex. You may also call 314-725-9710 or email <> or register online at

Carol Johnson