April 03, 2013



WELCA Spring Retreat  - Saturday, April 13

Please join us for the annual retreat! This year's theme is "Letting go: the spiritual and practical benefits of decluttering". Denise Lee, a Certified Professional Organizer® and fellow Lutheran will lead us in an interactive workshop where we will discuss the different types of clutter and its effect on us. 


At a minimal cost of $7.00 the retreat is a great value!! We will start at 9:00 am with registration and a continental breakfast and continue with the workshop for about 2 hours. Next Denise will preside over a short service including communion before we conclude with a salad luncheon. Call the church office at 314-721-6974 or Wilma Wilson at 314-991-4991 to register. We hope to see you there!!                                                         Marsha Balluff, Secretary


Food Barrel Ministry

For the month of April, in addition to food in the food barrels, our focus is Spring Cleaning – we will collect cleaning supplies and paper products.  Ideas include laundry detergent, window cleaner, all purpose spray cleaner, toilet cleaner, bar soap, fabric softener, scrubbing pads, furniture cleaner, floor cleaner, dish soap, mold/mildew remover, paper towels, toilet tissue, facial tissue, etc.  Cleaning supplies cannot be purchased with food stamps and are a necessity in life.  Please support this important ministry.   


"Please place cleaning supplies and paper products in the Laundry Baskets by the wooden crates in the Narthex.  DO NOT PLACE CHEMICALS IN WITH THE FOOD IN THE FOOD BARRELS.     


April Sociables - Authentic German Dinner

The Sociables are sponsoring a German Dinner on Saturday, April 20, 2013  for anyone at St. Mark's who is interested in experiencing the flavor of Germany. The dinner will feature: Rouladen, Noodles or Spaetzle, red cabbage, rolls, apple sauce and dessert. Beer, wine and non alcoholic beverages are included.


Dinner is open to all adults and children 12 and older. The dinner is by reservation only ! We also are requesting a payment of $10.00/person in advance.  In case you cancel, this is returnable only if a replacement reservation is available to take your place. There is seating for only 36 people so get your reservations and deposit in early. We will keep a waiting list in case of cancellations.


All Reservations will be made thru Florence Riter 314-351-8613.   Due to the large number of diners, dinner will be divided into two groups of 18. One dinner will be served at Dave & Florence Riter's and the other at Fred & Grace Steinke's. If you have a preference, indicate it when you make the reservation. All desserts will be served at the Steinke's. Drive time from the Riter's to the Steinke's is 20 minutes. Time: Please arrive at your dinner site at 5:30pm. Dinner will be served promptly at 6:00pm (the German way).



Are you doing your spring cleaning?  Do you have clothes, shoes, linens, blankets, towels that you want to give or throw away?  Bring them to St. Mark's on Sunday, April 21 and the Larson's will take them to Remains, Inc.  Remains will see to it that any usable items are reused and items that cannot be reused are recycled.  Remains will make a payment to the Friends of Emmaus based on the number of pounds of the items donated.  The Friends of Emmaus support the Emmaus Home in Marthasville, Missouri where Tom Larson lives. Please write "Remains" on the outside of all plastic bags and boxes that you bring your items in for the "Remains" Collection.


Here is what Remains can accept:

·         New or used clothing, household, linens, blankets, towels, etc.  Because they will be recycled, Remains can take stained or torn items that cannot be used again.  Just be sure the items are dry and not mildewed.  Put these items in trash bags. No carpet, rugs, pillows or cushions.

·         Shoes.  Shoes need to be usable shoes or work boots, with the pair tied or rubber banded together or paired in the same box.  Shoes should be placed in boxes; the Service Committee will have boxes available.  No winter insulated boots, house slippers or shoes with metal spikes.


Remains will also accept usable books (including textbooks), but no encyclopedias, magazines or damaged books.  Books should be in boxes, preferably weighing less than 50 pounds.


Please bring these items to church on April 21.  If you need to bring the items before that date, please leave them downstairs by the back door.  Thank- you!



Are there any youth (age 16+) or adults who would be interested in helping out Almost Home with childcare any evening Monday through Thursday from 6:15pm until 7:30PM??? You would be watching the little ones, while the moms are in life skill classes.  If you would like to see the description of duties and see the volunteer application form, contact Grace Steinke (314-843-5053).  Students that are less than 16 years old may volunteer, if an adult is with them.  Any other questions or to volunteer, please contact Diana Burnson, Volunteer Coordinator, Almost Home, (314)771-4663, ext office



Red Cross Blood Drive at St. Mark's

The Red Cross did not have available dates that Service Committee thought would be best for our congregation in May, so we will NOT Host a Blood Drive until the Fall, Probably September,  As soon as we have a confirmed date, we will notify the congregation, so that those of you who are able to give blood will

be able to schedule their giving.  The Red Cross would like to be able to collect at least 25 Units at our Collection Site                    The Service Committee


Church Work Day

This year the Service Committee will join the Property Committee to hold the annual Church work day. Mark your calendars for Saturday, April 27, 2013 from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm. Weather permitting we will paint, clean, make repairs and work in the herb garden. All you need to bring is your work gloves and small gardening tools. A light lunch will be served.

                                                     Steve Lochmoeller, Property Chair 


Lutheran School of Theology

Easter 2013 Term-Courses for Laity and Clergy


"Living Faithfully in Trying Times: What God Does and Does Not Expect of Us".  Five Thursdays, April 11 – May 9, 7:00 – 9:30 p.m. at Christ Lutheran Church, 1 Selma Ave., Webster Groves, Mo.  Taught by the Rev. Dr. Warren Crews.  Tuition: $68


One Day Workshop: "Leading in Exile: Learning to Lead the Church into a Future Where Nothing May Be the Same as Before".  One day workshop, Thursday, May 16.  Class from 9:00 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. at Trinity Lutheran Church, 14088 Clayton Rd., Chesterfield, Mo.  Taught by the Rev. Dr. John Bracke. Tuition: $35, includes lunch


Brochures with registration forms are

in the LST poster in the narthex.

For more information or for scholarship

applications call the LST office at: (314) 725-9710

or email:  registrar@lststl.org

or call Penny/Keith Holste, Administrators

                   at (314) 962-0918,


or register online at:


Carol Johnson