April 16, 2013


Church Work Day

This year the Service Committee will join the Property Committee to hold the annual Church work day. Mark your calendars for next Saturday, April 27, 2013 from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm. Weather permitting we will paint, clean, make repairs and work in the herb garden. All you need to bring is your work gloves, small gardening tools, and your servant's heart. A light lunch will be served.

                                                     Steve Lochmoeller, Property Chair 


April Food Barrel Ministry

In addition to food in the food barrels, our focus is Spring Cleaning – we will collect cleaning supplies and paper products. Laundry detergent, window cleaner, all purpose spray cleaner, toilet cleaner, bar soap, fabric softener, scrubbing pads, furniture cleaner, floor cleaner, dish soap, mold/mildew remover, paper towels, toilet tissue, facial tissue, etc.  Cleaning supplies cannot be purchased with food stamps and are a necessity in life.  "Please place cleaning supplies and paper products in the Laundry Baskets by the wooden crates in the Narthex.  DO NOT PLACE CHEMICALS IN WITH THE FOOD IN THE FOOD BARRELS.     


                                                                        The Service Committee

2013 VBS  

Mark your calendars!! VBS will be held July 11th -13th.  Thursday and Friday evening beginning at 6:00 pm with dinner and ending at 8:30 pm. and  Sat. morning beginning at 9:30 am and ending at Noon (breakfast or lunch to be provided).  More details will follow soon!


Communication Committee

Late last year the Council asked the Communications Committee to assess the current status and future technology needs for our church and office.  A Technology Task Force has met a couple of times and begun preliminary work on researching what is available, what other churches are using, etc.  With Pastor Linda's resignation and busy summer schedules upon us, the Task Force has been put on hold until our new pastor is available to guide us in this very important visioning project.  In the meantime, if anyone visits churches that have a comprehensive audio/visual system or has ideas for the committee to consider, please contact Jeanne Yegge or Eunice Halverson, co-chairs of the task force. 

Carol Johnson