August 22, 2013


Service Committee

Our September Service Committee Focus will be to collect Personal Care Items, such as soaps, hand lotion, deoderants, toothbrushes, toothpastes/mouthwash, hand sanitizer, shampoo, combs, Bath Towels & Washcloths in order to provide at least 50 Personal Care Packets for the homeless women and children served by the Gateway 180 - Homeless Reversed organization.  


Of course, we will continue to collect food items in the Food Barrels, both in the Narthex and by the lower level rear entrance (under the coat hangers)!  The Summer food collected was taken to Feed My People, South County by Laura Brannan.


                                                            The Service Committee


Looking for something to Read?

We have started a free book library for anyone interested in reading a book. The books are located in the Narthex on the bottom shelf on the table between the Greeters and the middle aisle. If you have some books and can contribute to this free library we would appreciate you generosity.


Just before worship and during the Service we will put them outside (weather permitting) as an outreach to our neighborhood. If you have any questions, call Fred Steinke.

Coming in September!

Wednesday, September 4thChoir Practice Resumes

                        6:15 pm           Bell Choir

                        7:15 pm           Chancel Choir – New Members Welcome!

Wednesday, September 4th – Confirmation Class begins at Gethsemane.

Sunday, September 8th, 9:00 am – Rally Day and Intergenerational Sunday School

Sunday, September 15th, 9:00 am – Regular Bible Study and Sunday School Class resumes.


Lutheran School of Theology

Lutheran School of Theology invites you to register for the following Michaelmas term courses: "In the Lion's Den: Daniel on the Horizon of Apocalyptic Literature" (Dr. Ben Asen), "Saving the Cross: Reimagining the Atonement in our Context" (The Rev. Dr. Warren Crews), "Hearing and Preaching the Gospel of Matthew" (The Rev. John Roth), and "The Green Bible: God is Great, God is Green, The Bible and Ecology" (Dr. Clint McCann). Brochures with registration forms are on the LST poster in the narthex. You may also call 314-725-9710 or email <> or register online at


Carol Johnson