Seder Dinner
Join St. Mark’s Lutheran Church for our annual Seder dinner on Holy Thursday, April 17 at 6:00 PM. We will celebrate a complete Seder in a family style setting. The celebration includes a delicious dinner of lamb, salad, potatoes, and a variety of desserts. A free will offering is requested but not mandatory. No one will be turned away. Please contact Marsha Balluff to make reservations to join us in this ancient celebration to thank God for His Mighty acts in leading His people out of slavery in Egypt.
April Food Barrel Focus
Hygiene supplies in conjunction with the Girls Scouts April showers. Think soap, shampoo, toiletries, toilet paper, etc.
April Sociables - Dinner & Theater – Saturday, April 26
Everyone is invited for an Italian dinner at the home of Lou and Wilma Prifti, Saturday, April 26 at 5:30 PM. Enjoy dinner from 5:30 to 6:45 and then enjoy ‘Into The Woods,’ book by James Lapine with music and lyrics by Stephen Sondheim. Cost is $7.00 per person that includes dinner entrée, drinks, and tickets to the theater. We ask you to bring a salad or dessert. Please make reservations by April 22 with either Lou or Wilma at or 314-821-1261.
Easter Tree To Benefit St. Philips Neighborhood Outreach Ministry
This Lenten Season the Service Committee is collecting school supplies to benefit the Immanuel/St. Philip Neighborhood Outreach Ministry. This organization is housed at St. Philips ELCA (the organization is separate financially from the church, but is a part of the ELCA), located at 2424 Annie Malone Drive, St. Louis, in the historic Ville Neighborhood about 5 miles NE of St. Mark’s. This organization provides the following outreach activities for the community in which it is located - a Sunday breakfast weekly, clothing giveaways 2x annually; school supply giveaways 3x annually; Thanksgiving food baskets; Christmas toy giveaway; VBS; etiquette classes; GED classes; resume assistance, etc. Please take an Easter egg ornament off the Easter tree and purchase $5 to $10 of the designated item and return to church in the labeled containers. Supplies will be delivered to the organization a few days after Easter. Additionally, the Service Committee will host a Fellowship Hour today to benefit this organization. They have a part-time social worker whose salary has been paid the last several years by a grant from a grass roots organization. The grass roots organization provides seed money to new ministries. Once the ministry is established, the ministry needs to provide its own funding. St. Philips Neighborhood Outreach Ministry has reached this level starting next year and has asked all local ELCA congregations to pledge support of its ministry. Unfortunately the request came to St. Marks after the budgeting process for 2014.
Please donate at this fellowship hour. We hope to raise a couple hundred dollars for the ongoing success of this ministry. Thank you.
The Service Committee
Central States Synod Assembly Delegates
Thank you Mark and Emily Endres for being our voting members to attend the 2014 Central States Synod Assembly. We appreciate your willingness to represent St. Mark’s!