August 22, 2011

Rally Day Sept. 11th!

Join us on Rally Day – Sept. 11 to kick off a new year of Growing in Faith!

9:00 am – Jesus is Everywhere!  Intergenerational Sunday School for Pre-K – Adult!  Join us for a devotion, craft and lesson on the promise that Jesus is always with us, and at the same time, everywhere!  We will practice our VBS songs for worship, so there is fun and learning for everyone. 

10:15 am Worship – We will sing 2 VBS songs during the Children's Time – Meet Up with Jesus (with hand motions) and I am the Way, the Truth and the Life.  If you want a CD of the VBS songs now in order to review, please talk with Mary Dallmann.


Regular Sunday School

Begins Sept. 18!  Please mark your calendars and get ready for a great year of learning and growth in faith!

Grades PreK-K – 6th grade: Great Bible stories using our Witness curriculum

Middle and High School Youth: Meet about the National Youth Gathering on Sept. 18th and begin Tough Questions series Sept. 25th. 

What is God up to in your life?  What is your God-sighting today?
Led by the Spirit, Seeing God, Sharing with Others..

Rev. Linda Anderson-Little
St. Mark's Lutheran Church
6325 Clayton Road
St. Louis, MO  63117
314.721.6974 (w)
314.581.6365 (cell)