October 20, 2011

6-9th Grade Picnic!

This Sunday, Oct. 23rd for 6-9th Grades!

South Cluster Picnic at Blackburn Park at 12:30 pm – 2:30 pm!  Our new CED, Mr. DeChambeau, is leading games!  Bring a sack lunch to church – we leave for Blackburn Park after fellowship.  RSVP  to Mr. DeChambeau (christianed@stmarkselca.com), so we are sure to have enough rides there!  Parents pick-up at 2:30 at Blackburn unless otherwise arranged.  Rain location is the Arden Mead Center at Christ Lutheran Church in Webster, 1 Selma Ave.

See you then!

Rev. Linda Anderson-Little
St. Mark's Lutheran Church
6325 Clayton Road
St. Louis, MO  63117
314.721.6974 (w)
314.581.6365 (cell)

What is God up to in your life?  What is your God-sighting today?
Creating Christian community, living God's love, serving our neighbors.

Rev. Linda Anderson-Little
St. Mark's Lutheran Church
6325 Clayton Road
St. Louis, MO  63117
314.721.6974 (w)
314.581.6365 (cell)

What is God up to in your life?  What is your God-sighting today?
Creating Christian community, living God's love, serving our neighbors.