October 19, 2011

Upcoming Youth Classes and Gathering Meeting for All Saints Fundraiser

Dear Youth, Parents, Sponsors and Learning members:


This is an exciting time at St. Mark's!  There is a lot happening and we are excited to have everyone participating and working together for our youth!


Here is our upcoming schedule for the next few weeks:


This Sunday, October 23:

Youth Class, 9 am Youth Room – Courageous Conversations about Race Relations

Led by Cultural Leadership Program participants: Daniel Anderson-Little, Andrew Tash, and Michon Madison in the Youth room.


All youth, parents and other adults who are available – please attend!


More Information: These high school youth have been asked to speak in theirs and others' houses of worship about what they have learned in the Cultural Leadership program since last January.  Part of their training has included facilitating Courageous Conversations on difficult topics; they will also share in worship.

     Cultural Leadership is a one-of-a-kind program in St. Louis for high school sophomores and juniors to learn how to be change agents for social justice.  Through the lens of the Jewish and African American experience, they have been trained in how to help make our society more just, equitable and inclusive.  Please come to learn, and participate!



Sunday, October 30: Reformation – Wear Red!

Youth class, 9 am – in Youth room with Darin (Tough Questions with video!) AND the 2012 Gathering Meeting to Finalize Plans for the Fundraiser on Nov. 6 in the Fellowship Hall

Update on tasks to be completed:

  • Smile and Dial – Amy Steinke, Hanna Albers
  • Table Top Display holder prices – Paul Laute
  • Design 1 page sheet back to back for tabletop plastic holder (Gathering Logo and bible passage on one side, info. about the Practice Discipleship, Justice and Peacemaking Days on the back) - Grant Albers
  • Ask Mary Ann Blum about using WELCA plastic table cloths in purple, green and gold – Erin Laute
  • Ask school for candle shaped cut outs for saints' names for tree in sanctuary – Shannon Laute
  • Find a candle shape cut out at teacher store if Shannon doesn't find one at school – Rachel Vandernoot
  • Brunch menu – Lisa Albers and Kathy Steinke
  • Bring Mardis Gras decorations, beads, colors from home – Everyone!

Also need a final decision on when to set up – Sunday morning or Saturday, the day before at 10 am?


Saturday, Nov. 5th  - 10 am - Decorate and set-up church for Sunday?


Sunday, Nov. 6th – All Saints Fundraiser

9:00 – Set-up and Decorate?

10:00 am - Need 2 people at table upstairs with the candle shapes for members to write the names of a Saint who helped to shape their faith, and anyone else they want to remember.  Have a basket for donations to be made to the youth Gathering, Citizens with the Saints, in memory of a loved one.  Put one of the table top displays up there as well.


After church – serve Citizens with the Saints lunch and clean-up afterward.  Baskets on buffet or individual tables for donations to the Gathering.


Sunday, Nov. 13th

Youth Class – 9 amBreakfast with Bruce DeChambeau at the Bread Co. down the street.  Meet there at 9 am for conversation, getting to know each other and youth planning.


Please talk with Mr. DeChambeau or me if you have any questions.

Blessings!  Pr. Linda

PS I have attached this a document if you want to print it out.


Rev. Linda Anderson-Little
St. Mark's Lutheran Church
6325 Clayton Road
St. Louis, MO  63117
314.721.6974 (w)
314.581.6365 (cell)

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