October 18, 2011

ELCA Global Links - November 2011

Look at what your church is doing in the world and how you can be connected!  Pr. Linda

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Nobel Peace Prize awarded to Lutheran African peace activist
Leymah Roberta Gbowee, a Lutheran Liberian peace activist, has been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. Read this story and more at www.elca.org/news (click on News Releases in the left-hand column).

Apply now to be an ELCA Young Adult in Global Mission
Young adults (ages 19-29) are invited to apply to serve for a year in an international program in Argentina and Uruguay, Jerusalem / West Bank, Madagascar, Malaysia, Mexico, Central / Eastern Europe, Southern Africa and the United Kingdom. See www.elca.org/yagm.

Support the ELCA Malaria Campaign
Malaria claims the life of a child every 45 seconds. You can help. Your gifts to the ELCA Malaria Campaign provide mosquito nets, medication, health care, education and more to eliminate deaths from this disease -- for good. Give now: www.elca.org/malariadonate.

Wittenberg, Germany:  'The Reform Continues'
The Rev. Arden Haug, new director for the ELCA Wittenberg Center, reflects on 500 years of reform and the ELCA's participation in the anniversary of the Reformation. Read the entire story at www.elca.org/handinhand; click either the copy-ready bulletin insert or the Fall 2011 issue of the Hand in Hand newsletter.

ELCA World Hunger resources
Find offering envelopes, coin boxes, brochures, videos, curricula and more -- for free! Browse the ELCA Resource Catalog and find the best resources to encourage congregational support of ELCA World Hunger and other important ministries. See www.elca.org/resources.

Malawi: Walking together in Christ
"We must listen to the voice of each other as well as to the voice of Jesus. What is he saying to us as we move together and hold hands in this journey of accompaniment?" Hear more from Bishop Bvumbe of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Malawi in a short video at www.elca.org/companionvoices.

Advocating with our companions
Companion churches living under political oppression or danger request not only your prayers but also your public voice on their behalf to the larger church, governments and international agencies of the world. Learn how some ELCA members received the training and motivation to do so. See www.elca.org/companionadvocating.

Guyana:  A holistic ministry
Prior to becoming a missionary pastor, Richard Young had a full-time private practice of obstetrics and gynecology.  Richard reflects on using health care skills within the context of ministry as a witness and service of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Guyana.  Watch a short video at http://blogs.elca.org/handinhand.

Sponsors needed for missionaries in Argentina
You can be a sponsor for the Rev. Dr. Jose Rodriguez, who serves as chancellor at the seminary of the Lutheran Church in Argentina, and his wife, Kathryn Bake, who serves the church as coordinator for event planning. Sponsors from Nebraska, Texas, and the Chicago area are especially welcomed to minimize their travel time and maximize their effectiveness while on home leave. For more information, visit www.elca.org/missionarysponsorship or call 1-800-638-3522, ext. 2657.

Glocal Mission Gathering in Cary, N.C., January 27-28
Equip yourself for God's work in today's global and local realities. Find more information and registration at www.elca.org/glocal.

Learn more about companion synod relationships
Online profiles have been updated by the ELCA Grand Canyon, Northeastern Pennsylvania, Northern Great Lakes, Southeastern Iowa, and Southern Ohio Synods. Learn of new developments in companion synod relationships at www.elca.org/companionsynodprofiles.

In our prayers
Give thanks for Carol and the Rev. James Sack, serving with the Japan Evangelical Lutheran Church. James teaches pastoral care and counseling at the Japan Lutheran Theological College and Seminary, Tokyo. Carol reaches out to those facing death with a harp ministry. (This prayer for October 29 is available along with daily prayers from around the globe at www.elca.org/prayerventures.)


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Rev. Linda Anderson-Little
St. Mark's Lutheran Church
6325 Clayton Road
St. Louis, MO  63117
314.721.6974 (w)
314.581.6365 (cell)

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