Mother/Daughter Banquet 2012
You are invited to an evening with
Martha Stewart and Mary Stewart
When: Friday, May 4th at 6 pm
Where: St. Marks
Cost: Adults $10, Children $5
Come and enjoy a wonderful Japanese dinner prepared by Martha's cousin Chuck Yokota Stewart and the men of St. Marks.
Then relax to a fashion show featuring Martha Stewart's (think beautiful) and Mary Stewart's (think duct tape) line of clothing.
Children, youth, and the young at heart are needed as models. So come in your finest, most beautiful and most coordinated outfit to be part of the Martha Stewart collection. Or make your best duct tape accessory or outfit to be part of Mary's collection. Or combine the two or just pick one! (We will have some spare accessories available). Prizes will be awarded for the best use of duct tape.
Coin Boxes
Coin boxes passed out during Lent can be brought to church and placed in the basket in front of the cardboard well in the entryway. Thank you for helping the Sunday School purchase water in the developing community.
There will be no Chancel or Bell Choir rehearsals this Wednesday, May 2. Final rehearsal for both choirs will be Wednesday, May 9th.
Synod Assembly Delegates
Council is looking for at least 2 people, a male and a female, to serve as delegates to represent St. Mark's at our Central States Synod Assembly meeting in Lindsborg, KS June 7-9. We can also send a youth delegate and an extra person of color, so please talk with Wilma Prifti, Council President, or Pr. Linda if interested.
Plan Now for VBS 2012
Thursday, June 21st @6-8:30 p.m. Friday, June 22nd @6-8:30 p.m. Saturday, June 23rd @9 a.m. - Noon (specific times are approximate)
Coming Up!
Adult Education for May – Liturgy & Worship – pick up the latest copy of The Lutheran for the article and study guide for class!
Saturday, May 19 – Sociables Service Project at Emmaus Home
Sunday, June 3 – Church Picnic in Shaw Park
Carol Johnson