April 26, 2012

Malaria Campaign

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April 25, 2012

Dear member of the ELCA,

"Where is the ELCA in our fight against malaria?"

This is the question a Liberian health official asked my colleague during his recent trip to West Africa.  "We have heard about ELCA Malaria Campaign. We need your help, and we need it now."

Malaria is a leading cause of death in Africa, claiming the life of a child every 45 seconds. In Liberia, malaria accounts for 30 percent of all deaths in hospitals. 

Since the launch of the ELCA Malaria Campaign last year, Lutheran churches in Angola, Malawi, Mozambique, Nigeria, Tanzania, Zambia and Zimbabwe have ramped up their efforts to control this disease – distributing mosquito nets and medicine as well as educating communities on prevention. However, we don't yet have the funds to begin this work in Liberia. Will you help?

Our sisters and brothers in Liberia are ready. They have active congregations that can be mobilized to help prevent malaria in their communities. They have two well-respected hospitals, community-based health care programs and development and education ministries that serve tens of thousands of people. They know what it takes to prevent and treat malaria. But they need your partnership. The time is now.

Today is World Malaria Day, and we as the ELCA can join the global community in doing our part. We can bring hope to our sisters and brothers in Liberia.

During this week (April 25-May 1), we need to raise $200,000 – enough to expand our anti-malaria work to Liberia this year. Will you help with your gift today?

Let's make this dream a reality. There are three ways to give.

  1. Donate online by visiting http://www.elca.org/MalariaDay anytime before the 11:59 p.m. CST deadline on Tuesday, May 1.
  2. Donate over the phone by calling 800-638-3522 during business hours now through Tuesday, May 1, at 5:00 p.m. CST. Operators are standing by.
  3. Donate through the mail by sending a check to the ELCA Malaria Campaign, P.O. Box 71764, Chicago, Illinois, 60694-1764. Please mail your checks by May 4, 2012, and be sure to write "World Malaria Day" in the memo line of your check. (Congregational offerings on Sunday, April 29, are encouraged and welcomed! Please visit our website for service ideas and resources.)

We are a church that believes God is calling us into the world – together.  Thank you for your prayers, your partnership and your generous gifts to help our neighbors in need.

In Christ's service,

Jessica Nipp
Coordinator, ELCA Malaria Campaign


P.S.  Please print and share this bulletin insert with your congregation on Sunday. Look for prayers, litanies, hymns and additional service ideas at www.elca.org/malaria

Photos by Cultivate Studios.
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© Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, 8765 W Higgins Rd, Chicago, IL 60631  800-638-3522HomePrivacy Policy


Blessings in Christ, Pr. Linda

Rev. Linda Anderson-Little
St. Mark's Lutheran Church
6325 Clayton Road
St. Louis, MO  63117
314.721.6974 (w)
314.581.6365 (cell)

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