Sociables— "And They're Off!"!
Yes, the Sociables are going to the horse races at Fairmount this summer. Save the date of July 14, 2012. Cost is $20.00 per person which will cover the huge buffet at the Black Stallion Room and the entry fee. We must have a minimum of 20 persons—two years ago we had 57 who went and had a blast! We must submit a deposit for this event by June 10th to hold our reserved seats, so we need to have the reservation money in early. Please call Marsha Balluff—314-918-8192 or Laura Balluff, 314-842-5911 to make your reservation and to submit your payment. Looking forward to a great evening! Marsha Balluff
St. Mark's Reads!
Our June Book Study starts Sunday, June 10th. We'll read The Help and then watch the movie on our new screen in the Fellowship Hall. All ages welcome.
Be sure to pick up a copy of The Help at the library or local book store.
WELCA Picnic
All women are invited to enjoy the WELCA picnic at Eunice Halverson's home on Monday, June 11, beginning at 6:00. Please is bring a dish to share and be prepared to enjoy a relaxing evening with the most wonderful women in St. Louis! RSVP to Eunice at 636-825-9554. Address: 1257 Green Vale Court, Fenton, MO 63026.
Carol Johnson