July 19, 2012

ELCA Global Links - August 2012

You and your church at work in God's world!

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New Orleans: The power of youth to make a difference
"ELCA young people know the power of focusing their giving through collective action that supports sustainable projects in places where the global Lutheran community is working." Read more and learn how the final ELCA Youth Gathering offering will benefit four ELCA ministries: new ministries in New Orleans, new missionaries in South Africa, the 100 Wells Challenge and the ELCA Malaria Campaign.

New Orleans: Global Links at the Youth Gathering!
Are you or youth from your congregation going to New Orleans? Stop by the Global Links display in the Mission Encounter area in the interaction center and pick up a free QR code sticker that says "Go Global! Get Linked!" See the sticker at www.elca.org/global-links in the right sidebar.

Haiti: Earthquake recovery
Two years later recovery from the deadly earthquake still continues. See www.elca.org/disaster.

Papua New Guinea: "Pastor, what is depreciation?!"
Can you imagine what it would be like to be a missionary, a pastor and a Certified Public Accountant all at the same time? See www.elca.org/handinhand; click either the copy-ready bulletin insert or the Summer 2012 issue of the Hand in Hand newsletter.

Slovakia: Getting settled in a new home
"Remember to breathe deeply the Spirit for it surrounds you," advises ELCA missionary Jeremy Blyth as he and his family settle into their new life in this Central European country. Read more.  

Russian paradoxes
June 12 is celebrated as Russia Day, or sometimes as Independence Day. From Novosibirsk in Siberia, ELCA missionary Bradn Buerkle reflects on the challenges facing modern Russia. Read more.

Russia: Sponsor a missionary
You can sponsor Bradn Buerkle, ELCA missionary teacher serving in Russia (and author of the blog entry noted above). Contact missionarysponsorship@elca.org or call 800-638-3522, ext. 2657. Sponsors from the Central States, Montana, Northeastern Minnesota and Northwest Washington Synods are especially welcomed to minimize his travel time and maximize his impact while on home assignment. 

New opportunities for global service
Several new positions for missionary service have now been posted at www.elca.org/globalserve/search. Check to see if one is right for you!

Latin America and the Caribbean: Preparing for mission and ministry in new times
A Consultation on Leadership Development in Latin America and the Caribbean Region between companion churches and seminaries in the region will be held from August 7–11, 2012, in Bogota, Colombia. This consultation responds to the desire of ELCA companion churches in the region for new models of leadership development to shape the kinds of lay and ordained leaders that can carry the mission and ministry of the church forward into the 21st century. See www.elca.org/latinamerica; click the link in the right sidebar.

Mexico: Immerse yourself in transformative travel
"Seeds of Transformation" offers opportunities for individuals and groups to take trips that deepen discipleship through hands-on service learning, stimulating site visits, cultural exchanges and lectures. Trips are available in Mexico City and the states of Oaxaca and Chiapas. Travel options include 1) pre-designed five- to seven-day trips on the themes of Sustainable Economics, Lutheran Identity and Food Justice; and 2) trips with customized places, themes and length of stay. For more information see www.elca.org/Mexico.   

Geneva and Taize: Sponsor a future Plunge
Consider sponsoring a future pilgrimage for young adults to deepen their spirituality by experiencing the global faith community in Geneva, Switzerland, and Taize, France. The first step is to send an "observer learner" on the Plunge pilgrimage to these ecumenical centers on May 29-June 9, 2013. See www.elca.org/localevents.

Educational and worship resources for the upcoming seasons
Have you wondered what Advent is like in Argentina? Are you interested in learning more about Christmas traditions in Kenya, Japan or Haiti? Looking for Lenten sermon material? Sign up for the Hand in Hand blog digest at blogs.elca.org/handinhand. Each week, two stories will arrive in your email inbox from missionaries who reflect on their work and life in the church in which they serve.

Attention church communicators!
Global Links is now also available as a monthly PDF for you to copy and distribute in newsletters, bulletins and other publications. See the right sidebar at www.elca.org/global-links to download this issue.

Glocal Mission Gathering in Chicago, Sept. 14-15
Equip yourself for God's work in today's global and local realities. Find more information and register at www.elca.org/glocal.

In our prayers
Pray for Nicole Lequia, an ELCA Young Adults in Global Mission volunteer serving in England in the areas of youth and community outreach. (This prayer for June 26 is available along with daily prayers from around the globe at www.elca.org/prayerventures.)

Global Links shares highlights from ELCA.org, LivingLutheran.com and other churchwide websites of ELCA ministry and connections in other countries.

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Blessings in Christ, Pr. Linda

Rev. Linda Anderson-Little
St. Mark's Lutheran Church
6325 Clayton Road
St. Louis, MO  63117
314.721.6974 (w)
314.581.6365 (cell)

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