September 27, 2012


Thrivent Coffee Hour

St. Mark's Thrivent members are sponsoring the coffee hour today immediately following worship.  Andrew Bolin, a Thrivent financial associate will be with us to provide information and answer any questions you may have. Please join us in Fellowship Hall immediately following worship.


Chancel Choir

The Chancel Choir would like to welcome Matthew Hibbard as their newest member. Matt is a St. Louisan, recently moved back to this area and is a fine tenor. While we would welcome any new member, the choir is especially in need of basses.


Coming Up: Concert by St. Mark's Choirs

St. Mark's Chancel and Bell Choirs will present a concert titled Marvelous Messages from the Bible and Movies on Sunday, October 28 at 6:00 pm.  Admission is free. A good will offering will be taken.


Please plan to come and bring your friends. See choir members for complimentary tickets to hand out. Wine and cheese event to follow the concert.  In order to save proceeds from the concert for the music program and Gateway 180 Homelessness Reversed, we would appreciate donations of wine and/or cheese beginning anytime until the concert. Hand to any choir member. Thanks!!


New Member Class

We will receive new members on Reformation Sunday, October 28! If you are interested please join us on Sundays, October 14 &  21 for a New Member class after worship and fellowship (about 12 noon) in the Adult Education room (last one on the left as you go toward the back door in Fellowship Hall).


Free Flu Shots

BJC is offering free flu shots, October 1-5, 7 am – 6 pm in the main lobby of Barnes Jewish Hospital and on the 3rd floor of the Center for Advanced Medicine. Other locations can be found at


Calling Back Building Keys!

Thanks to those who have already returned their key! If you have a key to the church building and are no longer Committee Chair or no longer head of a ministry, please return your key to Steve Lochmoeller, Pr. Linda or the office. We cannot duplicate the church keys and are very low on spares.


Helping Our Own

Thanks so much to those who have responded to our request for donations to the Help Our Own Fund! We have received $1685.00, and I so appreciate your generosity! Pr. Linda


Organ Plus Concert

Come enjoy an evening of engaging organ music at the "Organ Plus" concert on Sunday, October 7 at Gethsemane Lutheran Church, 3600 Hampton Avenue in South City.  Organists Dawn Riske and Jeff White (Colleagues in the American Guild of Organists) will perform and accompany vocalists, brass, string, and woodwind musicians, as well as a hand bell ensemble.  This 7:00 pm concert will provide a varied palette of organ sounds plus many other musical colors and textures.  The closing evening hymn will involve Organ PLUS Assembly--we hope that will be you!  A free will offering will be taken to benefit the mission of Project Peanut Butter, alleviating severe childhood malnutrition in Africa.  Additional funding provided by the South St. Louis Chapter of Thrivent Financial for Lutherans.



A man from Naperville, Illinois jogged by the church this past summer when the sign outside asked us to pray for our Youth in their mission at The Gathering. We just received a check from him for $250.00 for our youth outreach because he felt compelled to support this ministry!


(Call Bev Velloff if you can help change the sign – it makes a difference!)







Grief Seminar - Free and Open to the Public:

Loving From the Outside In, Mourning From the Inside Out


Tuesday, October 23, 2012; 7-9 pm

The Columns Banquet Center

711 Veterans Memorial Pkwy, St Charles, MO 63303


Seminar is led by Dr. Alan Wolfelt, a nationally renowned Bereavement Counselor and the Founder and Director of the Center for Loss and Life Transition in Colorado.


Topics will include: 
· Exploring the "Ripple Effect" of Grief: Loss of Self, Security, Meaning 
· Understanding Unique Aspects of Your Personal Grief 
· Learning the Value of Your Grief Symptoms in Five Domains 
· Describing Potential Emotional Dimensions of Your Response 
· Identifying Six Central Needs of Your Mourning 
· Recognizing Normal Symptoms of Your Grief: Combating "Going Crazy Syndrome" 
· Exploring Critical Questions of Discernment Surrounding Your Grief 
· Befriending Hope and Transformation: Love Goes On in the Face of Your Grief 
· Reflecting

Sponsored by Baue Funeral Homes, Crematory and Cemetery to support community members as the holiday season approaches; a time which can bring a renewed sense of grief as memories of traditions and time spent together begin to resurface.

Carol Johnson