October 01, 2012

Show your ELCA spirit

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  <Evangelical Lutheran Church in America God's work. Our hands.>

As we celebrate 25 years together as the ELCA, we rejoice in all that we have accomplished as a church! In 25 years, we have started hundreds of new congregations. We have granted millions of dollars to existing congregations intentionally focused on renewal. We have trained nearly 8,000 theological leaders. Together, we have sent thousands of missionaries to serve around the world.

But our work is far from over. We are a church that belongs to Christ. There is a place for everyone here. Help us share the love of Christ far and wide with a gift today. Your gift will help train new leaders, open the doors of new congregations and share the gospel with others. Give now.


<Always being made New.>  

<Give now.>
<Show your ELCA spirit!

For a limited time only, we will send you an ELCA window cling with each gift of $25 or more.

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© Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, 8765 W Higgins Rd, Chicago, IL 60631  800-638-3522HomePrivacy Policy


Blessings in Christ, Pr. Linda

Rev. Linda Anderson-Little
St. Mark's Lutheran Church
6325 Clayton Road
St. Louis, MO  63117
314.721.6974 (w)
314.581.6365 (cell)

What is God up to in your life?  What is your God-sighting today?
Creating Christian community, living God's love, serving our neighbors.