October 25, 2012


Announcements - October 28, 2012


Concert Tonight!  6:00 PM

Come and bring friends! Free will offering to benefit Gateway 180 Homelessness Reversed and our music program will be taken. Wine and cheese/dessert event to follow in Fellowship Hall.


No choir Rehearsals on Wednesday, October 31.


November Sociables

Sociables next event in November is a 50's party at the Kugler's in Collinsville, IL. Start getting your 50's outfit together and plan to bring a 50's type dish to pass (we weren't eating whole grains and tofu!). We've already rolled up the rugs (we have a new puppy!) so dancing along with a trivia game and a few 50's songs will be in order. Plan to come – we'll have FUN! November 17th,  3rd Saturday at 6:00 pm. Let Carol know, please.


Food Barrel Collections

Thank you for your on-going support of our food ministry.  Here are some suggestions for the next 3 months:

· November:  holiday items, boxed stuffing, cranberries, pumpkin, instant potatoes, canned gravy

· December:  baking supplies, flour, sugar, baking soda, baking powder, oatmeal, pie fillings.

· January:  personal care items; toothbrushes, toothpaste, shampoo, soap, floss, lotion, shave cream, disposable razors.    

Service Committee


First Communion  and All Saints Worship

First Communion will be next Sunday, Nov. 4 – All Saints Sunday!  Join us as we celebrate growing in faith with Abbie Dallmann, Amelia Miller, Clara Velloff, and Ruthie Bynum (Willy Sorrell will have his First Communion on Nov. 11).


Also on All Saints Sunday, we will remember those who have died before us in the faith and you will be able to light a candle in memory of loved ones.


WELCA Thank Offering Service – November 11, 2012

The Thank Offering Service on November 11 will be split, with half of the contribution will go to the rebuilding fund for Peace Lutheran Church in Joplin Missouri.  (this is a congregation destroyed in the 2011 tornado) and half will go to the ELCA Malaria Campaign to support work in medicine, clean water and advocacy, and the ongoing ministry of Women of ELCA. 

Carol Johnson