To congregations and leaders in Central States Synod – Following is information and a special offer for the upcoming Glocal Mission Gathering (GMG) in Clive, Iowa. Please note this is the nearest GMG to us this year.
NOW is the time… Go "Glocal" with the ELCA
November 2 – 3, 2012
Faith Lutheran Church, Clive
The time is NOW to register for the Glocal Mission Gathering on November 2-3, 2012 at Faith Lutheran Church in Clive, IA. For 5 days only: October 19-23, we are able to offer a "2 for 1" registration fee for those who register during this special window of time. Sign up in groups of 2, and get 1 1/2 days of workshops, worship, sharing and learning for only $17 each.
God's work in mission always propels us to encounter the neighbor, particularly in the stranger. Glocal Mission Gatherings equip us for God's work in today's global and local realities and their "glocal" intersections. So what is mission? Who is the neighbor? Join some of the most relevant mission conversations of our time. The ELCA Glocal Mission Gathering (GMG) gathers leaders for a day and a half of worship, workshops, and sharing around global and local mission.
Don't miss this opportunity to put together a team from your congregation to attend. This event is specifically geared towards building, supporting, and educating, congregational teams. Attending the event in a team on behalf of a congregation allows greater participation in the different skill building workshop sessions and allows for your congregation to have more information to share when you go home. We highly recommend that you invite others from your congregation to join you!
Visit for more information and to register. If you have any questions, please contact Pastor Eric Carlson, Assistant to the Bishop of the Southeastern Iowa Synod; 319-631-8031 or
6325 Clayton Road
St. Louis, MO 63117
314.721.6974 (w)
314.581.6365 (cell)