November 27, 2012

ELCA Global Links - December 2012

Your church at work in the world - our offerings to the Central States Synod helps make this happen as they pass it on to the ELCA for these ministries!  We can do so much more together than alone!  Blessings, Pr. Linda

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From: ELCA Global Links <>
Date: Tue, Nov 20, 2012 at 3:14 PM
Subject: ELCA Global Links - December 2012
To: Linda Anderson-Little <>

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Hurricane Sandy: ELCA provides and receives aid
In the wake of the devastation in the U.S. from the storms spawned by Hurricane Sandy, the ELCA is for the first time receiving international aid from The Lutheran World Federation. Through ELCA Disaster Response, this church is also providing relief to the storm-damaged areas of the U.S. and the Caribbean. Read more at and

Video: Bishop Hanson responds to Hurricane Sandy
Promising "a shared commitment to restore communities," ELCA Presiding Bishop Mark Hanson offers words of hope and action to "rebuild lives, congregations and communities" damaged by the deadly storm. Watch the video at:

Peru: An inspiring Global Mission story
"Today, we made history!" was the reaction of the Protestant bride and Catholic groom after the Rev. Dana Nelson, an ELCA missionary in Peru, assisted in their wedding ceremony. The couple had sought her out for their "mixed" marriage because they heard Lutherans were "open minded." To read this and more stories from ELCA missionaries, download the autumn Hand in Hand Newsletter or bulletin inserts at

Colombia: Small business makes big difference
Jency, a young girl in Colombia, has a brighter future thanks to contributions to ELCA World Hunger that helped her mother and two friends learn to run a small business. The income from their spa helps them provide for their families. Without it, "life would be very difficult," they say. Read more at

Nepal: Cleaner water for healthier life
Amrita Shahi, of Ruma, Nepal, doesn't get sick from her water like she used to. She now keeps her drinking water sanitary by using simple techniques learned from education programs sponsored by The Lutheran World Federation. Read more at

Israel: ELCA, others request a review of U.S. military aid
Concerned about the deteriorating conditions in Israel and the occupied Palestinian territories and the commitment for a just peace, the Rev. Mark Hanson, presiding bishop of the ELCA, and other U.S. Christian leaders are urging Congress to conduct an investigation into possible human rights and weapon violations by the government of Israel. Read more at

Malaysia: Lutheran church celebrates 130 years
The Basel Christian Church of Malaysia celebrated its 130th anniversary at a special thanksgiving event on Nov. 15. Bishop Murray Finck of the ELCA Pacifica Synod planned to attend. The church comprises 120 congregations and hosts an ELCA seminary professor and an ELCA Young Adults in Global Mission country program. Learn more about the Basel Christian Church of Malaysia at

Cameroon: Support needed for a new missionary
The Rev. Dr. Elisabeth Johnson has begun her work as a seminary professor, teaching students preparing for service as pastors and leaders in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Cameroon and other countries in western Africa. Make a gift to support her ministry, or go further by creating a sponsorship covenant relationship, which includes prayer and mutual communication. Contact or call 800-638-3522, ext. 2657.

Germany: In the footsteps of Martin Luther
To celebrate the ELCA's 25th anniversary and in anticipation of the Reformation's 500th anniversary, there are several opportunities next year to combine a trip to Germany with learning about our Lutheran heritage. Read more at

Mexico: Creating advocates, April 1-8 
Witness the effect of international policy and learn about the roots of world hunger through site visits and engaging lectures with farmers and community organizations in the southern state of Oaxaca, Mexico, April 1-5, 2013. Then head to Washington, D.C., for the 2013 Ecumenical Advocacy Days, April 5-8, to share your experiences with U.S. leaders. Read more at

A week for global ecumenical unity, Jan. 18-25
An annual event in the global ecumenical movement, the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity will be Jan. 18-25, 2013, in the northern hemisphere. For worship resources and materials that can be adapted for local settings, go to

Seeing God through the eyes of others
Serving as an ELCA missionary meant "seeing God in an entirely different way than what I was accustomed to," says Brian Konkol, adding that it also "kept me open and vulnerable." Brian and his wife, Kristen, served in Guyana and South Africa, an experience that "blessed them in countless ways." To watch a video of Brian's comments, go to

Does your congregation sponsor a missionary?
Remember ELCA Missionary Sponsorship as you develop next year's congregational budget. Support missionaries as they preach, teach, heal and build the global church in over 40 countries. Check out the colorful new sponsor's guide, available at or by contacting

Kit helps your congregation fight malaria
The ELCA Malaria Campaign is supporting the efforts of 11 companion churches in Africa. If your congregation would like to raise awareness and funds for the ELCA Malaria Campaign, please check out the new Congregation Action Kit. You can download it here:

Apply now to be an ELCA Young Adult in Global Mission
Young adults (ages 19-29) are invited to apply to serve for a year in an international program in Argentina and Uruguay, Jerusalem/West Bank, Madagascar, Malaysia, Mexico, Central/Eastern Europe, Southern Africa and the United Kingdom. See

In our prayers
Pray for the Rev. Philip and Lou Marie Knutson, ELCA missionaries in Cape Town, South Africa, where they are regional representatives for Southern Africa. (This prayer suggestion for Dec. 11 is available along with daily prayers from around the globe at

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Blessings in Christ, Pr. Linda

Rev. Linda Anderson-Little
St. Mark's Lutheran Church
6325 Clayton Road
St. Louis, MO  63117
314.721.6974 (w)
314.581.6365 (cell)

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