November 21, 2012




 Notice of Congregational Meeting

A congregational meeting of St. Mark's Evangelical Church will occur next Sunday, December 2, 2012, immediately following worship in the sanctuary for the purpose of discussing and approving the 2013 budget.



If you have been thinking about joining the Chancel Choir, now is the perfect time! We are preparing our Advent and Christmas music and then we would love to have NEW members to start the NEW YEAR!


Food Barrel Collections

Thank you for your on-going support of our food ministry.  Here are some suggestions for the next 3 months:

· November:  holiday items: boxed stuffing, cranberries, pumpkin, instant potatoes, canned gravy

· December:  baking supplies: flour, sugar, baking soda, baking powder, oatmeal, pie fillings.

· January:  personal care items: toothbrushes, toothpaste, shampoo, soap, floss, lotion, shave cream, disposable razors.  Service Committee


Missionary Sunday

Today, November 25, is a dedicated to support missionaries Pr. Mike and Jo Ann Megahan in their work in Botswana (Africa). We have supported their missionary activities in Kenya and now in Botswana for 30 years. Pr. Megahan has been part of a team that is translating the Bible into the local Botswana language. The New Testament has been completed and they are working on the Old Testament now.

            The Witness Committee and The Thrivent local Chapter are sponsoring the coffee hour after church today. All Donations will go to the Megahan fund with matching funds from Thrivent. We hope that you will join us for the Coffee Hour and help the Megahan mission. If you cannot come to the coffee hour, we encourage you to put your contribution in the offering plate or mail them to the office. Please mark your envelopes Megahan Fund.  We hope that we can meet a goal of $1200.00.


Make an Advent Log for Your Home!

Dec. 2 - Inter-generational Sunday School for Advent at 9:00 am

An Advent Log is like an Advent Wreath, except it's in a straight log instead of a circle.  Decorate one for your kitchen table, light it each night with your table grace and/or Advent prayer as we prepare for the Light of the World to come in Jesus!  We will have about 35 logs and decorations available (1 per household).  Big Thanks to Lou Prifti for preparing the logs for us!  We will have a lesson and a snack as well.  Sponsored by Learning and Worship committees.


Adult Bible Class in December!

A Clear View of the Birth of Jesus, by Dr. Kenneth Bailey

Join us Nov. 25, Dec. 9, 16, and 23 for a 30-minute DVD and discussion. Dr. Bailey lived and taught New Testament in the Middle East for 40 years and brings a Middle Eastern cultural view to our understanding of Jesus' birth.  Have you ever wondered: why was Bethlehem so hard-hearted? or why Mary and Joseph didn't go to Elizabeth's house?, or why the shepherd didn't invite them to their house?  These questions and more will be discussed!  See you in the Fellowship Hall beginning this Sunday!  (Remember that on Dec. 2 we will make Advent Logs in Inter-generational Sunday School, too!)


Mark Your Calendars!

December 2 – Intergenerational Sunday School

                       Congregational Budget Meeting

December 9 – WELCA Craft & Bake Sale

December 15 – Christmas Caroling – 3:00 pm

December 16 – Children's Christmas Program – Craft & Bake Sale   


December 24 –  5:00 pm – Family Service

                 24 – 10:00 pm – Candlelight Service


Christmas Pageant - December 16

Come one, come all on Sunday, December 16 to behold our Sunday School Christmas Pageant!  It will be performed during our regular Sunday morning worship service.  Parents, please be reminded that there will be rehearsals on Saturday,  December  8 and Saturday,

December 15 from 9:30 to 11:30.  The kids will rehearse lines and staging as well as be fitted for costumes.  (Contact Mary Dallmann or Lisa Albers if you have any questions).





Opportunities to Support Feed My People

  • Tuesday, December 11, 5-8:00 pm – Plowsharing Crafts Annual Holiday Benefit Sale, 137 W. Jefferson in Kirkwood
  • Sunday, December 16, 6:30 pm American Chamber Chorale   presents Messiah & More at  Lutheran Church of the Resurrection, 9907 Sappington Rd
  • Thursday, December 27 at 3:00 pm – Trans-Siberian Orchestra at the Scott Trade Center

Please see the bulletin board in Fellowship Hall for more details.

Carol Johnson