November 20, 2012

New Adult Bible Class Begins this Sunday at 9 am!

New Adult Bible Class starts this Sunday, 11/25! 
Join us at 9 am in the Fellowship Hall

A Clear View of the Birth of Jesus by Dr. Kenneth Bailey

Join us Nov. 25, Dec. 9, 16, and 23 for a 30-minute DVD and discussion of Jesus' birth. Dr. Bailey lived and taught New Testament in the Middle East for 40 years and brings a  Middle Eastern cultural view to our understanding of Jesus' birth.  

Have you ever wondered: Why was Bethlehem so hard-hearted? or Why Mary and Joseph didn't go to Elizabeth's house? or Why the shepherds didn't invite them to their house?  These questions and more will be discussed!  

See you in the Fellowship Hall beginning this Sunday!  (Remember that on Dec. 2 we will make Advent Logs in Inter-generational Sunday School, too!)